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Newsletter - November 2019

Writer's picture: Rob StanworthRob Stanworth

Chairman’s remarks

Welcome to our first Newsletter!

I can’t believe it is a month since George and I took over from Miles. That is another example of how much Miles has put into Harrogate Cricket Club so successfully for so many years; it is taking two of us to try and step into his (very big) boots. More of Miles in a bit.

So, what have I been doing for HCC this month and what’s on my mind at the moment? The members meeting on the October was fantastic in terms of the level of support and the ongoing action plan that has been shared. Activity is starting to take place within the sub committee’s; an early big shout out to Andy Leatham for preparing a blue print for the jobs that need to be done in the clubhouse and in the grounds. I am sure that the Grounds and Buildings committee will be sending invitations out for help; particularly in the early New Year- this is going to be hard work and loads of fun- please sign up!

Another challenge that came out of the members meeting was the complexity around the Balcony and how the members are best served by this great facility. Since June, John and Becky in the absence of Jure have held the Balcony together under extremely challenging circumstances. We are currently working on plans to help the Balcony. PLEASE, please come to the club and have a drink and a social- it is a great facility- I personally love the Monty Python Ale (50 years celebration of). We are having another members meeting on the 6th December to celebrate the success within the senior teams when trophies will be presented to successful players and to say thank you to Miles who has been such an integral part of Harrogate Cricket Club - Everyone welcome start time 7.30pm.

We are also having a completely chilled out pre- Christmas drink on the 21st December at the club; I have heard on good authority that Santa may be making a call! Come when you can- we are looking at a 5.30pm start.

On wider issues I have met with Sir Thomas Ingleby (President of the Nidderdale League) to learn more about the Golden Oldies Cricket Tour that takes place the first week in August. I would love to get involved by entering a team of over 35’s to play teams literally from all over the world. The emphasis is on fun, friendship and a bit of cricket.

George and I have met with a potential club sponsor – hopefully one of many to come. The meeting was positive. The first Fund Raising and Membership committee meeting is on the 21st November at 7.30pm at the club- lots of jobs to organize and complete- We now know how much we have to raise and now we need to get on with it! I am taking the lead on this committee so please call me(07919681533) if you want to get involved

George and I (at the time of writing this note) are going to visit the Yorkshire County Cricket Club; partly on a fact-finding mission and partly to make sure that Harrogate Cricket Club is seen as a key partner with Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

So, in summary I am really comforted by the tremendous amount of activity and support being undertaken by an increasing number of HCC members. For me last Friday evening at the club [early doors onwards if you want to catch me and George on a Friday] was an example of how we are coming more of a club - the Balcony was full of Junior and very junior (cricketers and soon to be cricketers) dressed up for Halloween- they looked really scary – thank you so much for using the club for this event which was supported really well. Thank you to Cath and Nat and all the parents for making this a great success!

Senior Cricket Update

The 2019 season was a largely successful one. The first team retained their status in the Yorkshire Premier League North. The second team missed out on promotion on the last game of the season and ended up finishing third. They will continue to play in the York and District Senior League division one next season. The third team won their division and were promoted to the first division of the Nidderdale league. This is the first time that has happened in over thirty years. The fourth team were unlucky to be relegated on the final day of the season and will play in Nidderdale division six next season.

We are already looking ahead to the 2020 season and preparations are underway. The first team will be led by Ross Sedgley (captain) and Tom Geeson-Brown (vice captain). George Owram will continue to captain the second team. Rob Stanworth will continue his good work in captaining the third team. Oli Bassett will continue his work in developing our juniors and captaining the fourth team.

We are in the process of attempting to sign a number of players for next season for the respective teams. Once transfer forms are complete the signings will be announced. At present, we can announce that Tom Smallwood will be joining our first team squad from Olicanian CC. Please make him welcome.

If anyone knows of any other players who are looking for a new club then please let one of the captains know. We are always on the look out for new players and a team effort on recruitment is needed. We all know other people in the cricketing community and we need to collectively try and recruit.

Sadly, we say goodbye to Josh Atkinson. Josh will be returning to play for his childhood club (Otley). We wish Josh all the best and the door will always remain open for him.

The indoor cricket season has started already. The format is six aside and the games are played on a Tuesday evening at Harrogate Ladies College. Harrogate are currently joint top of the league, having won all four games played so far this season.

Junior Cricket Update

The indoor league is underway with nine teams entered across four different age groups. The under nine’s have started their league games and have made a promising start.

Winter nets forms will be sent out in the next few weeks with a return date of the 20th December 2019. Nets have been booked for under 9s, under 11s and under 13s for a Friday evening at St Aidan’s. Details of the under 15s and 17s will be confirmed shortly.

There is a social event on the 21st December 2019 between 5.30 and 7.30pm so everyone can get together for a Christmas drink. We look forward to seeing as many families as possible at the club.

Plans are underway with the regard to the outdoor season and we are currently looking at the number of teams to enter and the helpers needed. If anyone would like to help coach a team please do get in touch with Cath Harrison ASAP. The junior league AGM is taking place towards the end of November so we will be able to pass on any important information in the next newsletter.

Women and Girls Cricket (11 years plus)

Andy Hawkswell is setting up an evening soft ball cricket league on a Wednesday evening from January to March (6.30pm to 7.30pm) at Rossett. It is likely that teams will play every other week. Please email if you are interested in playing. It would be great if someone could take on the organisation of this as Nat is unlikely to be able to take part on a regular basis. Details of winter training will be confirmed shortly.

Girls cricket (under 9s and under 12s)

The YCB are hoping to start an under 9s (years 3 and 4) and under 12s (years 5, 6 and 7) Harrogate area outdoor league. Harrogate are keen to enter a team in each. We are keen to hear from parents of girls who would like to play and parents who can help make this a reality and help with the management of fixtures. Please let Nat Crossland know if you have a child who would like to play or if any parents can assist with the organisation. Details of any winter training will be confirmed shortly.

The Balcony

The Balcony continues to open throughout the winter. The opening times are:

Monday – closed

Tuesday – closed

Wednesday – closed (from 20/11/19)

Thursday – 17.00 - 23.00

Friday – 17.00 - 23.00

Saturday – 17.00 - 21.30 (from 16/11/19)

Sunday – 13.00 - 18.30

The winter months are naturally a quieter time for the Balcony but we would urge all members to try and support the Balcony as often as they can. Please introduce friends and family to the bar and make the wider community aware of it. In addition, the function room is available to hire for private functions.

Grounds and Facilities Update

In October, the grounds and facilities sub-committee met for the first time under the leadership of Andy Leatham. A list of maintenance and repair works that need to be undertaken is in the process of being compiled and a plan for the work to be undertaken in the coming year is in the process of being finalised. This is not a small task and every aspect of ground and pavilion maintenance is being looked at. In January and February we will be undertaking the indoor works which will require volunteers to assist with painting and decorating. A further email will be sent out to members in due course about this.

Forthcoming social events

· 6th December 2019 (7pm) – Members meeting to briefly provide an update on the work that is being undertaken in restructuring the club. This will be a short meeting and will simply be an update. The senior presentation evening will follow after that. It is a good opportunity to get members together for a drink and a catch up.

· 21st December 2019 – Christmas drinks from 5.30pm at the Cricket Club.

· 26th March 2020 – The Harrogate Cricket Club Annual Dinner. Further details to be announced shortly.


Please can all members ensure that the Secretary, Duncan Clark, has your up to date email address. Please email if you do not think you are on our mailing list.

The club has a number of means of communicating with members and the wider public.

Please follow the club on Instagram, Facebook and or Twitter. If anyone has any club news items that should be shared on social media then please get in touch with Rob.


Cricket Club

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Cricket Club

Kirbys Solicitors County Ground

St George's Road



01423 561301

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© 2022 by Rob Stanworth

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